Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jamaica Life

Growing up poor in Jamaica

Growing up as a kid in Jamaica, life wasn’t easy, I remember going to bed after eating a bread and butter sandwich and drinking a cup of tea. Mamma could only drink a cup of tea, because there wasn’t anymore bread left over after her three children had theirs, but she was good knowing we ate.

Now that we are in foreign (or abroad) we might not be rich, yet! But mamma can eat well now.

Jamaica land we love

“Jamaica land we love”, National Anthem. Whoever wrote the national anthem I can’t tell you what they meant by that, but, I can tell you why I love Jamaica’s land...

Living abroad open my eyes to a lot of thing (enlightenment) there is nothing free abroad (USA, Canada, UK…) down to drinking water you got to buy at the store.

At least if you’re poor in Jamaica and living in the rural area, you can eat off the land, providing you do away with items that are not considered necessities.

If God can provide for the birds of the air, or we not more important than the birds? That’s why he allows the land to bear fruits for the people.
You can grow yourself or find growing in the wild; Ackee, breadfruit, banana, coconut tree just to name a few, plant yam, greens…
I know of people that still go to the river to catch fish for dinner.

I remember as a kid I would go out to the bushes to pick a certain leaf or bush to make tea. Saying all that life is not easy in Jamaica, but you can almost survive off the land as far as finding something to eat. In Jamaica there are real communities where everybody knows each other and you can go borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor.

Jamaica land I love!!!

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