Monday, June 23, 2008

AIDS in Jamaica

They say that Jamaica has the third highest cases of HIV/AIDS behind Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and that AIDS is taking the life of Jamaicans between the ages of 15 and 49.

I remember the first time I heard about AIDS, I was a young boy, (I won’t say what age)
But I was so dawn scared and I wasn’t even having sex. I didn’t even know what it felt like to be laid. I taught that HIV/AIDS was something you could catch like the flu without even having unprotected sex.

Some people do not believe in wearing condoms, because they feel as though it takes away the feeling, even though they know of the risk. It’s just like people know that cigarette smoking will eventually kill you, but they continue to smoke anyway.

Not until people start falling out right away, then people will start waking up and start breaking some of those bad habits.

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