Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Usain Bolt

Fastest Man

I do not want to say it, but I told you so! that Usain Bolt was the one to bring home the gold and not Asafa Powell.
Now they are taking smack about Usain Bolt beating his chest 80m in the race, claiming that he is mocking the other racers.
Give the guy a break, his it because he is Jamaican and not…
It’s his first Olympic, the guy got excited to win gold for his country at his age (21 years old) and his first Olympic (that he waited four years for) he looked to side and saw that he was winning and got excited early.
Next you know they will be a rule against looking to the sides to know where your opponents are. Will they feel better if he just continue to beat everybody and just walk off the field?
Ok let me rub it in, Usain Bolt the fastest human and don’t forget he is Jamaican! So give me a J….

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